Query: 4081-4110 of 4117 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Vipin Cherian From Carnival to the Postmodern through Freud and Bergson : Reading the nuances of Comedy in Six Woody Allen Movies English language and literature Saji Mathew 2021
Vipin K Varughese A comparative study on the work life balance of the employees of public and private sector banks in Kerala Commerce Harikumar, P N 2020
Vipin Kumar R Decentralization and planning: Development intervention of LSGIs in Kerala Economics Rajan Kurukkal, P M 2015
Vipin V Roldant Effectiveness of a comprehensive training program for the psychological enrichment of IT professionals in Kerala Psychology Jayan, C 2021
Vipul Murali Development of a Teacher assisted Multimedia Instructional Package for Enhancing process skills in Physics among Secondary School Students. Education Jaya Jaise 2016
Visakh Kumar, U L A study on some of the characteristics of solar wind flow towards earth Physics Kurian, P J 2020
Visakh, P M Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposites Chemistry Sabu Thomas 2015
Visalakshi, C A Recent Marketing Strategies of Commercial Banks in Kerala: Its Impact and Implications Commerce Sonny, V A 2016
Vishal Johnson Internet Vyavaharangalum marunna malayali bhavukathwavum, samskarika vishakalanam Malayalam literature Jose K Manuel 2022
Vishnu Konoorayar, K The global climate change regime and fairness in international environmental law: Indian experience International relations Girish Kumar, R 2013
Vishnu Vijayan M.A. Preparation and validation of an outdoor game based learning package for enhancing lateral thinking ability and achievement in science of tribal students at secondary school level Educatiion Celine Pereira 2022
Vishnuprasad C B വ്യാകരണസംവർഗങ്ങളുടെ പ്രയോഗവും പ്രകരണവും ബഷീർ കൃതികളിൽ Malayalam language and literature Joseph Skariah 2022
Viswam Mathew Right to Elementary Education: A Study on Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme in Kerala International ralations Girish Kumar, R 2020
Viswambharan, A M Marketing of consultancy services in Kerala Commerce Sundaresan, P K 2004
Viswambharan, P A Regional dynamics of political change in Central Asian republics: The role of major powers International relations Ramakrishnan, A K 2012
Viswanathan, C (विश्वनाथन, सी) मोहन राकेश की रचनाओं में आधुनिक भाव-बोध (Modern sentiments in the writings of Mohan Rakesh) Hindi literature Eladom, N R (एले़डम, एन आर) 1998
Viswanathan, C N Total quality management in higher education in Kerala Economics Mani, K P 2009
Vivek C K Disaster risk reduction DRR in South Asia a study on school based DRR programme in Afghanistan International relations and politics Vinodan , C 2022
Vivek, S A Study on Double Fuzzy Topological Spaces and Related Topics Mathematics Sunil C Mathew 2021
Viyani Charly Role of mental toughness, psychological skills and team cohesion in volleyball performance Physical education Manoj, T.I 2018
Vrindha Vijayan (वृन्दा विजयन) स्वातंत्र्योत्तर हिंदी नाटकों मैन मिथकीय प्रयोग (Swatantryottar Hindi natakon mein mithakiya prayog) Hindi literature Vijayakumar, B (विजयकुमार बी) 2015
Vysakh, A Mitigative potential of Rotula aquatica Lour. against Escherichia coli induced acute pyelonephritis in experimental animals Microbiology 1. Latha, M S 2. Jyothis Mathew 2021
Wilson C Thomas Customer experience management of public and private sector banks in Kerala - a comparative study Commerce Harikumar, P N 2020
Wilson Mathew A comparative study of the contributions of Benjamin Bailey and William Carey to Indian education Education Anandan Nair, K 2002
Winson Thomas Economics of Geographical indications and its implications for producers: a study with reference to Kerala Economics V.Mathew Kurian 2019
Xavier C.S സേതുവിൻറെ കൃതികളിലെ ഭ്രമാത്മകത Malayalam literature K.Saramma 2019
Xavier James Raj, M Analytical and numerical predictions for near-earth's satellite orbits with KS uniform regular canonical equations Mathematics Sharma, R K 2008
Xavier Joseph Spectroscopic and dielectric studies of certain RE3+ Doped tellurite based glasses Physics Unnikrishnan, N V 2016
Xavier, V K Capital flows and volatility in foreign exchange rte: A study of Indian economy since wide liberalization Economics Muraleedharan, S 2016
Yamuna Devi, B (यमुनादेवी, बी) प्रेमचन्द के उपन्यासों में प्रगतिशील चेतना - एक अध्ययन (A study of progressive tendencies in the novels of Premchand) Hindi literature Cherian George (चेरियान जाँर्ज) 1995

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