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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Effects of Acacia catechu Sunil, M.A Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2019
Antibacterial and Antioxidant Prospects of Endophytic Penicillium setosum sp. nov. from Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Tijith, K. George Jisha, M.S Microbiology 2019
Beneficial effects of bacteria with activity against Pythium aphanidermatum isolated from pitcher plant Aswani, R Radhakrishnan, E K Microbiology 2022
Biocontrol of chilli anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum Capsici with phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa isolated from chilli rhizosphere Linu M. Salim Jisha, M S Microbiology 2016
Biodegradation of Anionic surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) and analysis of its metabolic products Ambily, P S Jisha, M S Microbiology 2011
Biodegradation of kerosene by a microbial consortium Prathibha, V R Jisha, M S Microbiology 2012
Bioprospecting Endophytic Diazotrophic Lysinibacillus Sphaericus for Biocontrol of Rice Sheath Blight Shabanamol, S Jisha, M S Microbiology 2016
Bioremediation of chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide using autochthonous bacterial consortium Elizabeth Mary John Jisha M S Microbiology 2017
Bioremediation of the anionic surfactant linear Alkylbenzene sulphate (LAS) by pseudomonas SP isolated from soil Aju K Asok Latha, M S Microbiology 2011
Characterization of Escherichia Coli from environmental sources Thampy John Ravindran, P C Microbiology 2002
Chitosan Nanoparticles Synthesized from Penaeus monodon as a Plant Defense Elicitor against Rice Sheath Blight Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Divya, K Jisha, M.S Microbiology 2018
Endophytes in Artemisia Nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp. and their Bioactive Compounds Ashitha, A Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2021
Functional Analysis and Applications of Endophytic Bacteria from Selected Spice Plants Jasim B Radhakrishnan E.K Microbiology 2016
Genomic characterisation of Leptospiral isolates using multiplex and arbitrarily primed Polymerase chain reaction Sheela Shankaranarayanan Kanddenkattil Varghese, T P Microbiology 2003
Isolation purification and characterization of gossypol from Thespesia populnea L Sol ex Correa and its antidermatophytic activity Anuthara R Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2021
Isolation, Molecular Characterization and Enzyme Bioprospection of Chitinolytic Bacteria Associated with Valanthakad Mangrove Ecosystem Rishad, K S Jisha, M S Microbiology 2017
Isolation, purification and characterization of Xylanases from Aspergillus sydowii Suprabha G Nair Shankar Shashidhar Microbiology 2007
Kitchen waste degradation using microbial consortia Jithasha Balan Sumi Mary George Microbiology 2021
Microbial Chitinases – Isolation, purification and characterisation Mini K Paul Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2013
Microbial Keratinases- Isolation, purification and characterization Mini, K D Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2016
Microbial proteases - Isolation, purification and characterization Jyothis Mathew Ravindran, P C ,
Latha, M S
Microbiology 2000
Mitigative potential of Rotula aquatica Lour. against Escherichia coli induced acute pyelonephritis in experimental animals Vysakh, A 1. Latha, M S 2. Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2021
Molecular characterisation of plasmid encoded sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) degradation by pseudomonas aeruginosa S15: Biosurfactant as a contributory factor in remediation Sharrel Rebello Jisha, M S Microbiology 2014
Molecular characterization of phosphate solubilizing Gluconacetobacter sp. and Burkholderia sp. isolated from rhizosphere soil of Kerala Stephen Joseph Jisha, M S Microbiology 2010
Molecular investigation on species diversity, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation among coagulase negative staphylococci Soumya, K R Radhakrishnan, E K Microbiology 2017
Plant growth promoting and antiphyto- Pathogenic properties of endophytic bacteria from Zingiber officinale Rose Rohini Sabu Radhakrishnan E K Microbiology 2017
Pseudomonas Taiwanensis(MTCCI 1631)mediated control of Anthurium blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Dieffenbachiae Dhanya S Jisha M S Microbiology 2017
Resident bacterial flora of fresh water fishes and prevalence of bacterial activity in integrated farming Elizabeth Basil Susan Panicker Microbiology 2010
Rhizobacterial interaction with plants and phytopathogens Jishma, P Radhakrishnan, E K Microbiology 2021
Studies in the antineoplastic properties of polysaccharides isolated from a wood rotting macrofungus Phellinus rimosus (BERK) Pilat Meera, C R Janardhanan, K K Microbiology 2010

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