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1. Introduction and review of literature
1.1. Oxidative stress
1.2. Sources of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species)
1.3. Consequences of oxidative stress in biological system
1.3.1. Lipid peroxidation and lipid hydroperoxide formation
1.3.2. Oxidative DNA damage
1.3.3. Mitochondrial damage
1.3.4. Damage to Proteins
1.4. Oxidative stress and diseases
1.4.1. Carcinogenesis and cancer
1.4.2. Inflammation
1.4.3. Cardiovascular disease and renal dysfunction
1.5. Drug induced oxidative stress
1.5.1. Hepatotoxicity Acetaminophen-induced Hepatotoxicity
1.5.2. Carditotoxicity
1.5.3. Nephrotoxicity
1.6. Radiation induced oxidative stress and its effects on biological system
1.7. Antioxidant defence mechanisms of the cell against oxidative stress
1.8. Mitigation of drug and radiation induced oxidative stress by extracts and phytoceuticals from medicinal plants
2. Materials and Methods
3. Free radical scavenging and antiinflammatory activities of the extracts of medicinal plants -A.Calamus, H.Indicus and C.Fenestratum and αlpha-Asarone
4. Studies on anti-tumor activity of C.Fenestratum extract
5. Protection of membrane lipids and cellular DNA against γ-radiation induced damages by the extracts of medicinal plants - A.Calamus and H.Indicus and αlpha-Asarone
6. studies on the tissue protective efficacy of the extracts of medicinal plants - A.Calamus and H.Indicus and αlpha-Asarone against whole body exposure of mice to γ-radiation
7. Enhancement in repair of radiationinduced DNA strand breaks by the extracts of medicinal plants - A.Calamus and H.Indicus and αlpha-Asarone
8. Effect of A.Calamus extract and αlpha-Asarone on radiation induced micronuclei formation and chromosomal aberration
9. Amelioration of acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in mice by A.Calamus extract and αlpha-Asarone
10. Protective effect of A.Calamus extract and αlpha-Asarone against doxorubicin induced myocardial toxicity
11. Aamelioration of Cisplatin-induced nephro-toxicity by A.Calamus extract and αlpha-Asarone
Summary and Conclusion