Query: 136-150 of 3960 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Biochemical changes in diabetic Cataract Betzy Mathew Biochemistry 2002
Title Biochemical changes in Rats fed common edible oils Sanil, R Biochemistry 2000
Title Biochemical changes of Selenium and Galactose induced cataract and anticataractogenic effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E in Albino rats Remya, V K Biochemistry 2006
Title Biochemical factors influencing Latex flow during stress, tapping frequency and stimulation in Hevea Brasiliensis Sreelatha, S Biochemistry 2004
Title Biochemical implications of food processing Yeldho, K M Chemistry 1996
Title Biochemical investigations on Cancer Sreejith, K Biochemistry 2000
Title Biochemical profile during Diabetic retinopathy Sree Kumar, R Biochemistry 2000
Title Bioconversion of Cellulose waste Mariamma Abraham Biochemistry 1995
Title Bioconversion of Steroids and Alkaloids Anny Mathew Biochemistry 1996
Title Biological effects of feeding Cuttlefish liver oil to Rats Sophia Margaret Joseph Biochemistry 2008
Title Biological properties of L. Asparaginase Benny, P J Biochemistry 1994
Title Biophysical and biochemical properties of a lectin from Butea species Arun A Rauf Biophysics 2003
Title Biophysical and biochemical properties of Phytochelatins from Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) solms Elizabeth Samuel Biophysics 2007
Title Biophysical and biochemical studies of Ovis Lactoperoxidase Joseph, P V Biophysics 2003
Title Biophysical and biochemical studies on L-Asparaginase Sudarslal, S Biophysics 2001

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