Query: 61-90 of 120 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Present status of fish eating birds in pokkali wetlands and adjoining areas of Ernakulam district, Kerala Surya Babu, S Raju Thomas K Zoology 2022
Production efficiency and sustainability of a rice-fish rotational farming model in Kuttanad low lands of Kerala Aloysius M Sebastian Padmakumar, K G Zoology 2006
Reproductive Biology & Cryopreservation of Spermatozoa of Indian Sand Whiting - Sillago sihama (Forsskal, 1775) - A Candidate Species for Mariculture Revathy, S Benno Periera, F.G Zoology 2019
Resource potential of Sasthamkotta Lake with special reference to Fish fauna and their sustainability Girijakumari, S Nelson P Abraham Zoology 2007
Seasonal variation in Avifauna with respect to habitat changes in Kole Wetlands of Thrissur District, Kerala Tomy Francis John George, M Zoology 2016
Seasonal variation in Avifauna with respect to habitat changes in Pokkali field of Ernakulam District Kerala Smt Deepa, K M John George Zoology 2015
Some aspects of the ecology and biology of Symphyla Santhosh K Joseph Purushothama Kaimal Zoology 2002
Spatial cognition in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus, Bloch, 1792), a freshwater teleost fish: Effect of habitat and early rearing conditions Sheenaja, K K John Thomas, K Zoology 2014
Status of Fishery Exploitation by Various Gillnets and Trammel Nets Operated in the Middle Stretch of Vembanad Lake Rajalakshmi T Joseph, M L Zoology 2021
Studies on Avifauna of Rice fields in an area around Vembanad Lake Mary Chandy Thomas Varughese Zoology 2004
Studies on Bacteriocins Suja Mathews Susan Panicker Zoology 2017
Studies on bioprocessing of organic solid wastes applying Vermitech and the efficacy of Vermicompost and Vermiwash in soil fertility Sosamma Oommen, K Sultan Ahmed Ismail Zoology 1999
Studies on certain aspects of functional anatomy and behaviour of few Snakes Saji Sebastian Thomas, V C Zoology 1992
Studies on community structure and phylogenetics of the avian fauna in upper Kuttanad part of Kuttanad wetlands; a Ramsar site Nisanth, R Manu Oommen Zoology 2020
Studies on community structure of macro and meio benthic fauna of Thangassery fishing harbour area in Kerala coast Ambily K. Sukumaran R. Sunil Kumar Zoology 2022
Studies on histomorphological and biochemical aspects of experimental Cataract: Chronic and acute dosage Selenite Cataract and impact of Vitamin-E in Wistar rats Joe Prasad Mathew Thomas, V C% Issac Thomas Zoology 1999
Studies on human cataract prevalence in the Southern Districts of Kerala state: A statistical and histomorphological approach Aleyamma Kuruvilla Issac Thomas Zoology 2013
Studies on physico-chemical characteristics, Plankton diversity and Ichthyofauna of Idukki Reservoir, Kerala, India Simimole Sebastian Jose D Kaippallil Zoology 2013
Studies on some Aspects of the Biological Pollution in Pampa River, Kerala Asha, R Manu Oommen Zoology 2021
Studies on some aspects of the biology and ecology of common Indian Toad Bufo Melanostictus Schneider (Class: Amphibia; Order: Anura) Mercy Mathew Andrews, M I Zoology 2000
Studies on some aspects of the biology and ecology of the Whitebreasted Kingfisher Halcyon Smyrnensis Fusca (Boddaert) (Aves: Alcedinidae) Manu Oommen Andrews, M I Zoology 1994
Studies on some aspects of the ecology and biology of Rana Hexadactyla Lesson (Amphibia: Anura) Sanil George Andrews, M I Zoology 1993
Studies on taxonomy of pheidole westwood: A major genus of subfamily Myrmicinae (Formicidae:Hymenoptera) of Kerala Presty John Karmaly, K A,
Narendran, T C
Zoology 2014
Studies on the action of Triclosan an Endocrine disruptor Chemical on Channa striatus Ann Mary Jacob Jose, D. Kaippallil Zoology 2019
Studies on the benthic macro invertebrates in Pampa river along the Pathanamthitta district in Kerala Sreerenjini Kamal Sunil Kumar, R Zoology 2022
Studies on the biology of Pristolepis malabaricus (Perciformes: Teleostei) Sherly P Anand John, K C Zoology 1994
Studies on the ecology and behaviour of white breasted Water hen, Amauromis, Phoenicurur (Pennant)- (Aves- Rallidae) Gopakumar, P S Kaimal, P P Zoology 2009
Studies on the Ecology, Biology and Spawning Migration of Puntius amphibius (cuv. & val.) and Mystus Keletius (val.) of Pamba River System Mini Mary Thomas Kurian Mathew Abraham Zoology 2020
Studies on the effect of Deprenyl on aging cerebellum in Wistar rats Manju V Subramanian James, T J Zoology 2011
Studies on the epibenthic organisms of Ayiramthengu mangrove ecosystem Chithra, P Sunil Kumar, R Zoology 2019

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