Query: 241-270 of 293 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Iron, copper, and zinc based metal-organic framework composites as photocatalyst for environmental remediation Vandana P V Suresh Mathew Chemistry 2022
Isolated and combined effect of walking and Yogasana on selected health related physical fitness variables and bio-chemical variables among teacher trainees Hussain, K P Antony, A M Physical education 2015
Isolation and characterisation of biologically active secondary metabolites from flowers Tom K.Mathew Benny P.J Bioscience 2019
Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial principles from the selected plants of Zingiberaceae family Elsamma Thomas Latha, M S Biochemistry 2003
Isolation and characterization of new potential probiotic bacteria based on quorum sensing system Divya V Haridas Devika Pillai Fishery science 2020
Isolation and characterization of phytoconstituents of Blepharis maderaspatensis(L.) Roth and its biological screening Jessy Jacob Aleykutty, N.A Pharmacy 2020
Isolation and molecular Characterisation of β-1, 3-Glucanase gene and its role in combating abnormal leaf fall disease in Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg) Thanseem Ismail Thulaseedharan, A Botany 2005
Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Endophytes of Emilia sonchifolia (Linn.) DC Sithara K Urumbil Anilkumar, M Botany 2020
Isolation and molecular characterization of tannase enzyme produced from Cashew Testa by using Aspergillus niger Vinod Viswanath Jisha, M S Bioscience 2016
Isolation purification and characterization of antibacterial principle from Drynaria quercifolia Toji Thomas Muraleedhra Kurup, G ,
Sadasivan, C
Bioscience 2008
Isolation purification and characterization of gossypol from Thespesia populnea L Sol ex Correa and its antidermatophytic activity Anuthara R Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2021
Isolation, characterisation and Psychopharmacological studies of active constituents of Sarcostemma acidum (roxb.) Voigt Family Asclepiadaceae Thomas Kurian Sibi, P I Pharmacy 2020
Isolation, Evaluation and Characterization of Anti Inflammatory Biomolecules from Ayurvedic Medicines used for the treatment of Arthritis Mohind C. Mohan Prakash Kumar, B Biochemistry 2019
Isolation, identification, characterization and application studies of anthocyanins in Dioscorea alata L purple yam Anumol Jose Anilkumar, M Botany 2022
Isolation, Molecular Characterization and Enzyme Bioprospection of Chitinolytic Bacteria Associated with Valanthakad Mangrove Ecosystem Rishad, K S Jisha, M S Microbiology 2017
Isolation, purification and characterization of Pectinase from Penicillium citrinum Sandhya Ramachandran Muraleedhara Kurup, G Bioscience 2006
Isolation, purification and characterization of Xylanases from Aspergillus sydowii Suprabha G Nair Shankar Shashidhar Microbiology 2007
Isolation, purification and characterization of α-amylase from Penicillium janthinellum Sindhu, R Shankar Shashidhar Biotechnology 2005
Issues & perspectives in teaching writing skills in English to students of B Tech Degree Courses in Kerala Sonia Paul Celine, E English literature 2015
Issues of identity and mobility : a case study of inter-state women labourers in Kerala NIRMALYA P M H Ilias Development studies 2023
IT and ITeS Industry- A Comparative Study of Kerala and Karnataka Lakshmisree, R Venugopal, S Commerce 2020
The idea of womanhood in the social philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Nagamony, P S Nirmala Devi, D Philosophy 2014
The identity question of Malankara Nazaranies: A study based on Niranam Grandhavari 1708-1815 Kurian Thomas, M Raghava Varier, M R Social science 2008
The ideology of gender in the Kathasaritsagara and the Arabian Nights Sandhya P Pai Nithyanantha Bhat, V English literature 2005
The image in the mirror: The mother-daughter bonding in selected post-independence Indian English fiction by women Jessy James Nithyanantha Bhat, V English literature 2012
The Impact of Agricultural Extension Services through Krishi Vigyan Kendra: A Study of Banana Cultivators in Pathanamthitta District Radhika Krishnan James, M S Economics 2021
The impact of banking and financial sector reforms on rural credit - A study with special focus on Kerala Mohanan, M K James Mathew Commerce 2008
The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention: A Study on Select Jewellers of Kerala Tijo Thomas Johney Johnson Management studies 2018
The impact of decentralisation on the productivity of small scale industries in Kerala Mathew K J Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2017
The impact of deforestation on the adivasis of Kerala: a study with special reference to mannans in Idukki District Anooja Chacko V. Mathew Kurian Economics 2019

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