Query: 31-45 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A study of life events and certain personality variables of Rheumatoid Arthritic patients Rajeev Kumar, N Behavioural science 2000
Title A study of process outcomes in Physics in relation to some select cognitive, affective, social, and environmental variables Celene Joseph (Sr) Education 1998
Title A study of rehabilitation of Disabled Persons in Kerala - (A study with special reference to needs, problems and legislations) Joseph, K A Social work 2004
Title A study of 'Tarkasamgraha as a compromise between the Nyaya and Vaisesika schools of philosophy Priya, M P Sanskrit language 2007
Title A study of the families of drug addicts - Family functioning and social support system Varghese J Pudussery (Fr) Social science 1995
Title A study of the influence of certain psycho-social correlates on pupils in the acquisition of Biological concepts at Secondary level Josemon P George Education 2007
Title A study of the properties of certain Nanophase materials Marykutty Thomas Kallolickal Physics 2005
Title A study of the psycho-social problems of Orphans in Kerala Benson, N Education 2003
Title A study of the relationship between intelligence, scientific creativity, achievement motivation, home environment and achievement in Science of Higher Secondary school pupils of Kerala Rosamma Philip Education 2008
Title A study of the Secondary school curriculum with a view to restructuring it into a Gandhian educational framework Mathew, V T Gandhian studies 2001
Title A study of the vegetative and reproductive features of the Podostemaceae of Kerala rivers Satheesh, V K Botany 1997
Title A study of untouchables in Kerala before Independence with special reference to Gandhi Issac, C I Gandhian studies 1997
Title A study of women workers in the plantation sector of Kerala Tessy Kurian Economics 2000
Title A study on a class of Univariate and Bivariate distributions with special emphasis on Time series modeling Alice Thomas Statistics 2004
Title A study on age, education and earnings of Engineers in Kerala Sam V Daniel Education 2002

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