Query: 16-30 of 4224 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A factual analysis of the major issues in teaching English at the Under graduate level in Kerala to design a need-based new curriculum Mohan, K G English literature 2007
Title A faunistic survey of Spiders (Araneae: Arachnida) in Kerala Sunil Jose, K Zoology 2007
Title A historical anatomy of the evolution of social revolution in Travancore George Philip History 2006
Title A lamp unto thyself: A Buddhist reading of Robert Frost`s poems Vijayaraghavan, A R English literature 1999
Title A new paradigm in agrarian relations and productivity in Kerala Omana Cheriyan Economics 2005
Title A soft computing model for data clustering and application to gene grouping Elizabeth Jacob Computer science 2006
Title A study about DWCRA and the economic participation of women and children in Kerala Sujatha, K Commerce 2006
Title A study of antiatherogenic effect of selected Medicinal plants Mary, N K Biochemistry 2003
Title A study of antioxidants present in Plants (with special reference to Emblica Officinalis Gaertn) Jeena K Jose Biochemistry 2001
Title A study of Fuzzy G-modules Shery Fernandez Mathematics 2005
Title A study of fuzzy topological vector spaces Binimol Punnoose Mathematics 2007
Title A study of fuzzy vector valued integration and some of the related results Girija Kumari, R Mathematics 2006
Title A study of gestures among children with speech and hearing impairments, normal children and adults Jayaraj, B Psychology 2005
Title A study of group differences in computational skills of Secondary school students Pushpa Marian Education 2006
Title A study of Indian textile exports with special reference to eco-friendly aspects Paul Cornelius Economics 2006

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