Query: 1-15 of 587 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A study on managerial efficiency in irrigated rice farming systems Madhava Chandran, K Sociology 2003
Title A study on personality types and managerial performance - An enquiry into the nature of their relationships Surekha Rachel Zachariah Management studies 2007
Title A study on the management practices followed in plantations in Kerala Krishnan Namboothiri, N S Commerce 2006
Title A study on the management practices of the Syro-Malabar Catholic church in Kerala Karuna (Sr) Commerce 2003
Title Apiculture resource biodiversity and management in Southern Kerala Maya C Nair Environmental science 2003
Title Appropriate technology: Dynamics and relevance (A study with special reference to water resource management systems in Kerala) James Abraham Gandhian studies 2001
Title Behaviour engineering: management of stress and maladjustment among alcoholics Hari S Chandran Behavioural science 2000
Title Changing perspectives in asset liability management in the post-reform phase of modern Banking - A study Raji Joseph Commerce 2005
Title Characterisation of acidity and Its management in Rubber growing soils Syamala, V K Chemistry 2007
Title Communication in Cochin Refineries - A study Jayan, K K Gandhian studies 2001
Title Corporate disclosure by Indian companies Roshna Varghese Management studies 2008
Title Creativity in advertising: Impact on communication - Effect and consumer purchase behaviour Jojo Paul Management studies 2002
Title Developing certain strategies for the effective classroom management at Higher secondary level Rany, S Education 2008
Title Factors influencing male fertility and its management Sunil Nayar, G Environmental science 2004
Title Farmer participation in irrigation management George Chackacherry Sociology 1994

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