Query: 121-135 of 579 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Customer relationship management in the Housing Finance Sector: A study of select Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Companies in Kerala Krishnakumary, M R Management studies 2016
Title A study on commodity derivatives and risk management Minimol K Xavier Commerce 2016
Title Risk Model and Portfolio selection: A behavioural approach for optimization of Returns Anu Antony Management studies 2016
Title Attitude of College Teachers towards CBCSS in relation to their Classroom management, Work Anxiety and Socio-Personal adjustment Bindumol, K K Education 2016
Title Stress management practices among executives in private sector in Kerala Jayarajan, T K Commerce 2016
Title The impact of mechanization in the Socio-Economic development of fishermen in Kerala Veena Priya,S Management studies 2017
Title Survival and Risk Assessment of Biofilm Associated Bacteria in Drinking Water Microcosms and Distribution Systems Jyothy, S Environmental science 2017
Title A Study on Customer Perception and Loyalty in Diamond Jewellery Market in Kerala Abey Jose George Management studies 2017
Title A Study on Functions of Human Resource management and its impact on Organizational Health with Specific Reference to Selected Ayurveda Companies in the State of Kerala Satheesh Kumar, E P Management studies 2017
Title A study on the impact of agricultural insurance on risk management among food crop farmers in Kerala Josheena Jose Commerce 2017
Title Stress management of women managers- a comparative study of the public sector and private sector banks in Kerala Rajitha, K Commerce 2017
Title A study on management styles and their influence on teacher performance of the secondary schools of Kerala Vijayan, M R Education 2017
Title Total quality management(TQM) Implementation in hospitals – Issues &challenges Krupa K Alex Development studies 2017
Title The influence of customer-based brand equity on buying behaviour – A study with special reference to convenience goods in Kerala Sibichan Joseph Management studies 2017
Title Customer satisfaction towards internet banking services with special reference to select commercial banks in Kerala Anoop K K Management studies 2017

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